Calisthenics Association of Western Australia Logo


December 14, 2020

As no announcements have been made concerning WA going into phase 5 from the 24th October, CAWA will need to assume that we will remain in phase 4 at least for the first weekend of the Solos and Duo Competition.

The kiosk will remain closed over the Solos and Duos, regardless if WA enter into phase 5 due to the short lead up time to organise rosters and stock.
Each competition day that WA is in phase 4 we will need 5 volunteers to remain after the morning session to assist cleaning the auditorium. A call for volunteers will be announced after each morning section.

Please refer to the below plan as to how the Solos and Duos will be run under phase 4 conditions .

Ticketing for Solo/Duo Competitions
There is a ticket limit of 2 tickets per performer. Every person entering the auditorium MUST hold a valid ticket – including infants. There will be NO door sales.
All tickets are available through Trybooking using this link

Adults $17 per session
Children $1 per session
Concession $11 per session

Accepted cards for Concession – (proof may be required at the door)
State Government Seniors Card – not National Seniors Club Card.
Australian Government Pension Card
Full Time Student – University, college, trade, Technical, High School etc.
Australian Government Issued Health Care Card – Not Medicare.

New Day Rate
This year we are introducing a day rate of $28.00 for an Adult and $18.00 for a Concession. This rate will only
apply to sessions booked for the same day. Unfortunately, you are not able to select a day rate through Trybooking. To get the reduced ticket price, you will need to purchase your tickets and then email [email protected] to receive a partial refund.

The ticket will state the seat number and which door to enter on the day of the competition.

Tickets went on sale on Friday 16th October via Trybooking. The site was taken down for a short time on Friday evening to alter the seating configuration to allow the competitor to sit with their two supporters after they finished performing on stage. A few ticket purchasers were moved from their original seats and were allocated new seats close to their original seats due to the requirement for the competitor to be seated with their
supporters. If your seating was changed, you would have received an email. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding on this additional measure that we have been
required to put in place.

Coaches who require a seat to be allocated, will need to contact Debbie McDonald on [email protected]

Arrival to Competition

  • No one (competitor, audience member, coach, volunteer etc) will be allowed to enter the premises if they have a high temperature and/or are feeling unwell.
  • As we have to comply with the foyer number limit of 120, audience members can only enter the complex no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the competition.
  • For the second session of the day, entry will be permitted once the prior competition has been cleared and cleaning has been completed.
  • The inside car park is not to be used for drop off and/or pick up of competitors and/or costumes.
  • Tickets need to be shown to door personnel, who can assist with direction to seats if required. Please enter the door as stated on the ticket.
    Programs will be available from the door personnel.

Getting Competitors Ready For Competitions

  • Competitors can get ready at Midvale. However under phase 4 the dressing room limits apply. Dressing room allocations have been completed and released which advise where competitors and coaches go to get ready.
  • For participants under the age of 18, the parent/guardian can drop their child off at their allotted changing room. Your arrival time can be that as specified by the coach. After you have dropped your child off at their coach’s allocated dressing room you need to vacate the complex and return as an audience member 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the competition.

Dressing Room Allocation and Etiquette–

  • The allocation of dressing rooms has been carefully completed and released to Clubs and Coaches.
  • Sanitizer will be provided in all dressing rooms.
  • Only coaching and assisting staff (ie hair and makeup) will be allowed in the dressing room/s allocated.
  • The number of competitors in the dressing room MUST abide by the number stated on the dressing room door.
  • NO unauthorised personnel are allowed in the changing rooms or corridors.
  • NO sharing platters to be brought into the dressing rooms. Competitors and coaches are to bring their own food and drink. Please keep the food packed ‘low maintenance’ eg muesli bars vegetable sticks, cheese, crackers, sandwiches etc.
  • At the end of the day could individuals in each changing room ensure:-
    Used bin bag tied up – put near door side
    Put clean bin bag in bin. Wipe down surfaces and door knobs with disinfectant provided (including wardrobe rack).

A reminder that under our Member Protection Policy there is to be no photographs taken in the dressing rooms. All photos must be taken on the grass area outside the Theatre.

Rules for during the Competition

  • The training room will be available for run through’s. The usual rules apply – one run through per item.
  • The usual method of marshalling will apply. One item in the holding area, one back stage and one on stage.
  • Lighting rules as per CAWA Running Rules apply.
  • Stage/Dressing (prop) rules as per CAWA Running Rules apply.
  • Technical Rules (eg banned movements) as per ACF Rules will apply.
  • Timing Rules as per ACF Rules will apply.
  • Coaches to register at front desk on arrival, collect coaches badge and place stage sheet in relevant tray.
  • All lighting must be called from the Bio Box.
  • There will be no use of headsets backstage by coaches as per team competition.
  • Coaches can arrange another CAWA Qualified Coach or Cadet from their club to operate the computer for music and/or DLP. A sanitising station will be set up at this point and every person using the computer, keyboard, projector will need to sanitise before and after use.
  • A sanitising bottle will be placed on each of the follow spots, please clean the head sets after each use.
  • After under 18 competitors have performed, they will need to meet their parent or guardian in the foyer and go into the auditorium. A seat has been reserved next to each supporter pair. Seniors will also be required to use the seat allocated next to their supporters.

During the Competition – Auditorium and Foyer

  • Each Audience member will need to stay in the seat that has been allocated to them. The auditorium dim lights will be turned on between each item to allow members who needed to exit the auditorium to return to their allocated seat.
  • Because the foyer is limited to 120 people, we ask that the audience remain in the auditorium for as long as possible.
  • There are no planned breaks and the kiosk will not be open. Patrons may bring their own food; but food must be consumed outside of the auditorium.
  • The Stage Manager will announce auditorium rules, with reminders throughout the competition.

Photography and Video

This year our Solo and Duo competition will be:

  • Filmed by Classic Audio Visual Productions. Order forms will be online and in the foyer. If you are completing an order form in the foyer please maintain social distancing.
  • Photographed by Michelle Power Photography. Information on how to order is contained within the program.


  • We are pleased to announce that presentations can proceed as usual; with competitors standing or sitting on stage maintaining social distancing.

Vacating the Auditorium upon Competition Completion

After the results have been announced:

  • Auxiliary family members will be asked to immediately vacate the building.
  • A nominated parent/guardian per child will remain in the auditorium.
  • The Stage Manager will announce one side of the auditorium to pick up their child followed by the other side of the auditorium.
  • After picking up your child, please leave the building IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT stay in the foyer or congregate immediately outside the Theatre doors and ‘chat’.
  • The above will be slightly modified for the Senior Competition. Details will be announced on the day.

We thank you in advance for your understanding with respect to the above extra measures that we have needed to put in place. We are very fortunate to be able to watch our amazing Solos and Duos shine on the Cali stage.

We extend best wishes to all our Solo and Duo competitors and to their Coaches. Bring on Solos and Duos!

Recent News

By development January 22, 2025
Calisthenics Association of WA Inc. Annual General Meeting Wednesday 5 March 2025 Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Calisthenics Association of WA Inc. will be held on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 7pm, Swan Park Theatre, Midvale. Nominations for Positions on the Board Nominations are called for the following positions on the CAWA Board of Management. Nomination forms are available on the CAWA website Governance page or click here . Nominations must be received by the Secretary of the Association by Wednesday 5 February 2025. President (2 years) Treasurer (2 years) Competitions Committee Chairperson (2 years) In accordance with the CAWA Constitution Item 36. Term of Office (3) The maximum term on the Board is (6) six years. As the current occupants of the President and Competitions Committee Chairperson positions have served on the Board of Management for more than six years, they are ineligible for nomination. Financial Members To be eligible to have voting rights you must be a financial member. Any parent who has a child 18 years of age or over and wishes to vote must be a financial General Member. General Member Affiliation must be completed at least 7 days prior to the AGM. Registration link is on the ‘Club Administration’ page on the website or click here . It is important to note that anyone nominated, nominating or seconding a Board nomination must be a financial member of the Association. Proxy Voting A financial member may appoint an individual who is a financial member as his or her proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting. Proxy Forms are available on the CAWA website Governance Page or click here . Should you need further information please contact me - [email protected] We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM on Wednesday 5 March 2025. Debbie McDonald Secretary - CAWA
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