Calisthenics Association of WA Inc.
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 2 March 2022
The Calisthenics Association of WA Inc. will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2 March 2022 at 7pm, Swan Park Theatre, Midvale.
Nominations for Positions on the Board
Nominations are called for the following positions on the CAWA Board of Management. Nomination forms are available on the CAWA website. Nominations must be received by the Secretary of the Association by Wednesday 2 February 2022.
Financial Members
To be eligible to have voting rights you must be a financial member. Any parent who has a child 18 years of age or over and wishes to vote must be a financial General Member. General Member Affiliation form and fee must be paid at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
It is important to note that anyone nominated, nominating, or seconding a Board nomination must be a financial member of the Association.
Proxy Voting
A financial member may appoint an individual who is a financial member as his or her proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting. Proxy Forms are available on the CAWA website.
Entry to Swan Park Theatre
Please remember that as of Monday 31 January, anyone aged 16 and older must present their COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination to enter the Swan Park Theatre complex in any capacity.
Should you need further information please contact me - [email protected]
Debbie McDonald
Secretary - CAWA